by lori | May 24, 2017 | Acceptance, Benefits, Essays, Grace, Imagination, Impacts, Learning, Letting Go, Play and Magic, Research, Self-organizing groups, Story, Successful Groups, Writing
My mentor and friend Bernie has been told by doctors that he has a year left to live. Thanks to Bernie, I’m now aware that I—like him—have a choice here. Each new day now, actually, I have this choice: will I choose Bitterness, Sweetness, or Bittersweetness as... by lori | Jan 9, 2013 | Benefits, Impacts, Recognizing, Self-organizing groups, Story, Successful Groups
Reading a human mind across great distances is easy for some. I have friends who do it all the time. As near as I can tell, we need just three things to do it: dear friends, silliness, and our true self. Pain also works, but I recommend silliness over pain when you... by lori | Feb 9, 2012 | Benefits, Community, Self-organizing groups, Successful Groups
My Grandma Kane, LaVina Kane to her friends, passed away this week, just one month before she turned 100. She lived on her farm into her 80s, in her own apartment until she was in her early 90s, and in the past 7 years she earned the nickname Speedy at her nursing... by lori | Oct 18, 2011 | Leadership, Learning, Learning as, Recognizing, Successful Groups
Here are a few self-organizing groups I’m learning with/from this week… 1. A touching and cute self-organizing group (love the response of all the different adults in the video): 2. A brave self-organizing group within my neighborhood: The Mitchells trying to save... by lori | Aug 2, 2011 | Benefits, FAQ, Impacts, Recognizing, Successful Groups
I’ve noticed that my own self-organizing group members always ask the best, and most difficult, questions—questions that I am afraid to fully look at on my own, let alone answer. Here’s a great one. Thank you Neil!!... by lori | Jun 22, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Successful Groups
Some of the things I learned this week thanks to my self-organizing groups: Chaos and order are both within us, and both ok. It’s in our nature to be chaotic, silly, ridiculous, and huge risk-takers. Within these groups, I can accept chaos as rewarding and even fun....