by lori | Sep 7, 2020 | Alzheimer's, Beauty, Content, Culture Shift, Feelings, Gratitude, Grief, Grief and Loss, Here and now, Love, Magic, Nature, Neighbors, Pain, Pandemic, Poetry, Respite, Wonder
This is for Bayo, who prompts me to be more honest and open, more me, and to let go into becoming more us… Some friends are saddened right now by humanity’s apparent reactionary rush to re-occupy familiar ways during this Covid-19 global pandemic (known as... by lori | Oct 7, 2014 | Magic, Play and Magic, Story
It’s really foggy here today. I can see the end of the dock but not much else out there. The whole world looks like a down pillow from my window. As Eva and I walked the beach this morning, a curious seal poked her head out of the water to watch. Thanks to the fog and... by lori | Sep 30, 2014 | Caregiving, Dance, Magic, Play and Magic, Story
Our pair of resident bald eagles have been away from home for more than a month — off on a river fishing working vacation, we’ve heard from other neighbors — after their baby grew up and left the nest in August. I didn’t realize how much... by lori | Feb 5, 2014 | Dragons, Magic, Poetry
My world has blue dragons in the north orange sherbet-colored dragons in the south dragons with long eyelashes that smell of rain in the east and dragons with sparkling tails and charming overbites in the west Only people who’ve been here a long time – long...