by lori | Jun 21, 2013 | Benefits, Community, Recognizing, Story
My Grandma Del passed away last week. It was the day before my 43rd birthday, and about 2 months before her 88th birthday. She was the last of my living grandparents. When Daniel called me to break the news to me, he woke me up, and the first thought that flitted... by lori | Sep 13, 2012 | Benefits, Community, Culture
This month, slow web culture found Bas and Simone and Daniel and I. I think of it as like the slow food movement, only more webby. Slow web culture found us as we gathered stories for Different Office and recognized ourselves as craftspeople by listening to the... by lori | Aug 30, 2012 | Benefits, Community, Learning as, TGQ
I was part of a discussion this week within which this question–asked by my friend Flemming Funch of France–came up. Beyond the sheer amazingness that is Flemming himself, as a writer I intend to always stay close to him for the ample alliteration... by lori | Jun 20, 2012 | Benefits, Benefits, Community, Impacts, Impacts, Self-organizing groups, Self-organizing work groups, Story, Sustaining
Community member Emergent by design asked this question today. Love her. Love the question too. I began writing a comment and found that my comment just kept getting longer and longer until I thought to myself “It would be rude to add a comment this long to a... by lori | Apr 30, 2012 | Benefits, Benefits, Community, Self-organizing groups
As of this May, I’ve spent 9 years working, living, and learning as self-organizing groups and community. What I noticed most this week is the astonishing courage demonstrated by individuals who have spent prolonged time within these human collectives: courage... by lori | Apr 20, 2012 | Benefits, Community, Coworking
Our dear old dog Grady got lost for 2½ hours last Monday night, during rush hour in our urban Seattle neighborhood, wearing his new sock-monkey collar (while the one with his name and phone number sat uselessly on our counter). Daniel and I were in a complete panic,...