by lori | May 1, 2020 | Acceptance, Essays, Getting Lost, Grief and Loss, Imagination, Impacts, Leadership, Learning, Learning as, Love, Play into Work, Research, Self-organizing groups, Self-organizing work groups, Story, Strength in Real Life, Unapologetically Odd, Wayfinding, Wonder
So many articles are circulating right now about how exhausted and drained people feel after Zoom meetings. I get that. Back in my corporate and academic days, that used to happen to me during Skype meetings and conference calls all the time. I’d often sign off... by lori | Oct 18, 2011 | Leadership, Learning, Learning as, Recognizing, Successful Groups
Here are a few self-organizing groups I’m learning with/from this week… 1. A touching and cute self-organizing group (love the response of all the different adults in the video): 2. A brave self-organizing group within my neighborhood: The Mitchells trying to save... by lori | Jul 22, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Leadership, Learning
One of my self-organizing groups (Doug Nathan of conflictmatters plus Neil Baker of Neil Baker Coaching and Consulting plus me) is creating a proposal this week to speak at a national conference next spring. One hour into our first discussion, we decided to talk as a... by lori | May 27, 2011 | Leadership, Learning, Successful Groups
Hey Doug, thanks for asking me to get more clear on this subject! I’ve only recently started thinking about this idea, which is why I am fuzzy speaking about it. What I believe I see so far has to do with perceived location of the self. That is, in the moments in... by lori | Apr 25, 2011 | Leadership, Recognizing
Self-organizing groups are—themselves—leaders. They are different—new to many of us—and the people within them, and close to them, notice. One difference is that everybody within the group is a leader and a follower. Also, many nearby others and observers of the group... by lori | Jan 7, 2011 | Definition, Leadership, Recognizing
If you’re familiar with this subject, let me know what it means for you. Today, for me, a self-organizing group is a collective whose members are surprised and delighted by what they become and do together. These collectives create themselves and contain members who...