by lori | Sep 29, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Learning as, Letting Go, Recognizing, Sustaining
So my dear friend Diane just got the job of her dreams. Literally. She’s been having vivid dreams about it since the day she realized she might actually have a shot at getting it. I’m thrilled for her. It fills me with joy that she’s moving in the direction of her... by lori | Aug 29, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Letting Go, Recognizing, Recognizing
Thanks to Doug Nathan for pulling these experiences out before my eyes where I could see them, and thanks to my community for teaching me that no matter what I say as an individual, that I’ll be supported and loved. Consciously studying my own and close others’... by lori | Mar 15, 2011 | Benefits
This week I had lunch with a friend who I worked with at Microsoft almost a decade ago. She’s an amazing person—a dedicated employee, wife, mother, and daughter. And, like many people I know, she’s also frustrated, extraordinarily busy, and tired just trying to keep... by lori | Jan 7, 2011 | Definition, Leadership, Recognizing
If you’re familiar with this subject, let me know what it means for you. Today, for me, a self-organizing group is a collective whose members are surprised and delighted by what they become and do together. These collectives create themselves and contain members who... by lori | Jan 4, 2011 | Benefits
I’ve blogged before about my own powerful, visceral experiences being part of and with self-organizing groups. When I began to study these groups in earnest years ago, I noticed that each time I met with one (my own or others) I had a similar experience. I was...