What happens when we hit fully empty?

Two and a half weeks ago, our dear Grady dog stopped eating. No other obvious trouble: just no eating. First clearly saying NO to dog food. The next day, saying NO to treats. And the following day, NO to cooked chicken and turkey and meatloaf. Today, four veterinary...

What the hell is my story?

We all have foggy days. Days where who we are feels murky, what we’re doing is muddled, and what we truly want is hidden from us. Emotional mud puddles. And sometimes the fog lasts months, or years, not days. I’m just emerging from a 5-month Collective Self fog...

What does it take to create and sustain Terabithia?

One of my favorite books as a kid was Bridge to Terabithia, a story of two young friends who overcome their troubled lives to create their own magical kingdom—called Terabithia—in the woods behind their homes. As I recall, the story is 80% friendship, magic, and...

Grady’s story: Why community makes me wag

Monday evening I decided to go on an unannounced neighborhood Walkabout. I actually planned just to go from the backyard to the front yard, but a squirrel caught my eye and before you know it I was at our corner store. At this point, I was kind of freaked out, I’m...