by lori | Jan 23, 2014 | Poetry, Work
Something snapped inside of me. I can only do soul-satisfying work now alone and with people I love I’ve been apprentice to the phenomenon for ten years. And find it has more to do with community support expanding love ceding control appreciating freedom... by lori | Nov 17, 2010 | FAQ, Sustaining
Continuing from previous blog. The last two things I see in these groups that helps them sustain themselves are that: 7. As a group, they rely on the group’s strengths (and notice that this is happening) Group members do this in the moment—sometimes talking about it... by lori | Jul 28, 2010 | FAQ, Fostering, Learning
Last week, a group I created in February—one that I’d hoped would last for years—ended. Six months of life, and now the Seattle-Area Self-Organizing Systems discussion group is no more. I’m surprised to find that I’m not even a little bit sad about the...