Something snapped inside of me.
I can only do soul-satisfying work now
and with people I love
I’ve been apprentice
to the phenomenon
for ten years.
And find it has more to do with
community support
expanding love
ceding control
appreciating freedom
recognizing instinct
bowing to curiosity
visible foolishness
laughing our asses off together
reliable magic
and flowers left on luck’s glorious flaky altar
than it does with being picky about
exactly what gets done
who shows up
how I am compensated
what my title is
and everything else
I thought I should care about.
In my world
this being here
this learning what actually matters
is the work.
A paying close attention
to the experience of our being
and offering it to God or anyone else at all
as a gift
with as much gratitude, surprise, delight,
and personally curated foolishness
as we can muster, make manifest, and admit to.
This is my work because it softens me.
By the time I’m 90
I will be a downy warm blanket
or puppy’s tummy
for all the hands that touch me.
This is my work.
It’s time to start doing it without apology.
Beautiful 🙂
Thanks Thomas!