by lori | Mar 9, 2011 | Fostering, Recognizing, Self-organizing work groups
I’ll be speaking at the ISPI conference in Orlando in a few weeks (Wednesday morning, April 13th) on this subject. Hope to see some of you there. Here’s the 2-page handout… 7 Tips for Rapidly Fostering Self-Organizing Work Groups As an individual:... by lori | Feb 6, 2011 | Sustaining
This week I interviewed 6 members of a remarkable 100+-member self-organizing group that has sustained itself for 20 years and counting. I also interviewed one person who has witnessed, from nearby, this group in action. I still have lots more learning to do, so part... by lori | Jan 7, 2011 | Definition, Leadership, Recognizing
If you’re familiar with this subject, let me know what it means for you. Today, for me, a self-organizing group is a collective whose members are surprised and delighted by what they become and do together. These collectives create themselves and contain members who... by lori | Dec 7, 2010 | Learning
Check out these two 3-minute videos of Seattle’s umbrella/singing-in-the-rain flash mob from this Saturday. The first video is a spontaneous performance in which group members decided to head over to a downtown shopping center and spread some holiday joy:... by lori | Nov 5, 2010 | Leadership, Learning
I attended a special, brief flash mob for Father “ROG” today on the Seattle University campus. I’ve never met him, but he inspired me today. I learned that Father Rog (aka, Fr. Gillis) is an SU jesuit and teacher who has cancer and has been in the...