by lori | Jan 3, 2012 | Impacts, Letting Go, Self-organizing groups
Today Daniel and I cancelled our satellite TV package. We noticed this fall that: When we’re tired after work, we often plop down onto the couch and mindlessly watch TV for no other reason than that it’s the easiest thing to do. Sometimes for hours. We don’t even like... by lori | Jan 19, 2011 | Benefits
From 2004 to 2006, I was part of two life-changing, self-organizing groups at the same time: one group of employees actively experimenting in a global for-profit organization and one group of learners actively reflecting on our own experiences in an educational... by lori | Jan 4, 2011 | Benefits
I’ve blogged before about my own powerful, visceral experiences being part of and with self-organizing groups. When I began to study these groups in earnest years ago, I noticed that each time I met with one (my own or others) I had a similar experience. I was...