by lori | Jun 29, 2010 | FAQ, Letting Go, Recognizing
I’ve studied and been part of at least 14 self-organizing work groups in the past 7 years. You don’t have to encourage active participation in self-organizing work groups. They form in response to personally felt needs of the moment, people stay with them until... by lori | Apr 13, 2010 | FAQ, Recognizing
A friend recently said this to me: “One of my master’s classes this quarter briefly touched on the topic of self-organizing systems. We discussed how this might work in government employment, but I was skeptical. I argued that this sort of peer work was not... by lori | Mar 12, 2010 | Recognizing, Recognizing
There is one additional indicator of self-organization–at the group level–that I could not see at an individual level. As a self-organizing work group, you can: Indicator #9. Re-form and immediately exist again, as needed, after your lifetime.... by lori | Feb 24, 2010 | Recognizing, Recognizing
How do I know when I’m self-organizing and how do we know if our group is self-organizing? Indicator #8: Enjoying yourself in the moment and in hindsight I am self-organizing when I enjoy myself in the moment and in hindsight. Demonstrated in the following ways:... by lori | Feb 3, 2010 | Recognizing, Recognizing
How do I know when I’m self-organizing? How do we know if our group is self-organizing? Indicator #7: Spontaneously demonstrating something, learning in the moment, and reflecting and learning more in hindsight I am self-organizing when I spontaneously demonstrate... by lori | Jan 28, 2010 | Recognizing, Recognizing
How do I know when I’m self-organizing? How do we know if our group is self-organizing? Indicator #6: Behaving thoughtfully, demonstrating awareness and reflection I am self-organizing when I behave thoughtfully, demonstrating awareness and reflection. Demonstrated,...