by lori | Jul 17, 2016 | Here and now, Poetry, Sentience
for Lynne 1. There is a voice that says “You don’t belong here.” that says “Your voice is not welcome here.” that says “This is my home. Not yours. Get out.” 2. Here is another voice that calls “Bullshit” on the first voice that urges “Fight” urges “Protest”... by lori | Mar 8, 2014 | Here and now, Poetry, Silly, Wayfinding, Work, Writing
Gathering stories crying with strangers-turned-friends tales woven into focused collections into pages and pages calloused fingers hand crafting a shared love Book covers created with patience humor and a little, not- annoying- we-hope, self-awareness. Blurbs too.... by lori | Mar 11, 2013 | Learning, Wayfinding
I love the Friedrich Nietzsche quote “One must have chaos in oneself in order to give birth to a dancing star.” This quote found me mid 2004 at the beginning of my marriage, my doctoral program, and the beginning of two years of amazing, life-changing work. That was a... by lori | Mar 6, 2012 | Benefits, Community, Recognizing, Story
Back in August, I wrote about experiencing my self as different states: individual, self-organizing group, community, and planet and the beginnings of what it feels like to move between those states. It was my favorite 2011 post because it was a mysterious ball of... by lori | Jan 9, 2012 | Community, Definitions, FAQ, Learning as
I’ve been giving these questions my attention for 6 months now: What is community? How do we create community? How do I know community when I see it? Especially when I’m with people who think, look, and act nothing like me/my groups? I didn’t go looking for these...