by lori | Jun 10, 2014 | Caregiving, Here and now, Poetry
Remember as you go to change the world how amazing that new haircut plus the kiss of summer’s first warm rays on your face made you feel. And in feeling just a little bit better about yourself, how aware you became of the sounds of neighbors’ friendly... by lori | Jul 18, 2013 | Books
You may have heard that Bas and I wrote a new book. Or maybe you haven’t yet. Bas has been doing a great job telling people about it. I haven’t. I’ve been offline most of the month since. And I could tell you here that my grandmother passed away the... by lori | May 6, 2013 | Acceptance, Forgiveness, Learning
I love working with Bas. He’s part childhood pen pal, part imaginary friend, part work colleague, part informal cultural attaché, and part best friend. And the fact that we’ve both been writing about transitions for several years without fully knowing we were... by lori | Mar 11, 2013 | Learning, Wayfinding
I love the Friedrich Nietzsche quote “One must have chaos in oneself in order to give birth to a dancing star.” This quote found me mid 2004 at the beginning of my marriage, my doctoral program, and the beginning of two years of amazing, life-changing work. That was a... by lori | Nov 29, 2011 | Community, Learning as
A remarkable new community member, Anthony Lawlor, got me thinking about transitions this morning. In August I blogged about the experience of consciously moving from four different perspectives: individual, self-organizing group, community, and planet perspectives....