by lori | Oct 6, 2010 | FAQ, Fostering, Impacts, Learning
This question has been part of my work for five years, since the day I walked away from my first self-org work group determined never to work any other way but as part of these amazing groups. I’ve learned that individuals and self-organizing work groups can... by lori | Sep 7, 2010 | FAQ, Letting Go, Recognizing, Recognizing
When your self-organizing work group succeeds in accomplishing the work-of-the-moment that it came into existence to do, it may be obvious that the group needs to end. This has been the case for some of the groups I’ve studied and been part of. But it may also... by lori | Aug 27, 2010 | FAQ, Fostering
This week I noticed myself attempting to more rapidly foster a self-organizing work group, so thought I’d share what I did. This post is for people who believe in the power of these groups but who, like me, aren’t particularly good at sitting patiently, emptying... by lori | Jul 28, 2010 | FAQ, Fostering, Learning
Last week, a group I created in February—one that I’d hoped would last for years—ended. Six months of life, and now the Seattle-Area Self-Organizing Systems discussion group is no more. I’m surprised to find that I’m not even a little bit sad about the... by lori | Jul 14, 2010 | FAQ, Impacts, Impacts, Recognizing
You can expect amazing things from these groups, but what those things actually are, you can’t entirely know ahead of time. Think about a self-organizing group that you’ve seen somewhere: like several jazz musicians or rappers spontaneously improvising amazing music...