by lori | Apr 11, 2012 | Benefits, Community, Story
Monday evening I decided to go on an unannounced neighborhood Walkabout. I actually planned just to go from the backyard to the front yard, but a squirrel caught my eye and before you know it I was at our corner store. At this point, I was kind of freaked out, I’m... by lori | Nov 29, 2011 | Community, Learning as
A remarkable new community member, Anthony Lawlor, got me thinking about transitions this morning. In August I blogged about the experience of consciously moving from four different perspectives: individual, self-organizing group, community, and planet perspectives.... by lori | Oct 18, 2011 | Leadership, Learning, Learning as, Recognizing, Successful Groups
Here are a few self-organizing groups I’m learning with/from this week… 1. A touching and cute self-organizing group (love the response of all the different adults in the video): 2. A brave self-organizing group within my neighborhood: The Mitchells trying to save... by lori | Sep 29, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Learning as, Letting Go, Recognizing, Sustaining
So my dear friend Diane just got the job of her dreams. Literally. She’s been having vivid dreams about it since the day she realized she might actually have a shot at getting it. I’m thrilled for her. It fills me with joy that she’s moving in the direction of her... by lori | Sep 20, 2011 | Benefits, Benefits, Impacts, Learning as
At a Seattle women-in-business networking event last Thursday (thanks Su-Zette Sparks and all the other amazing women at Russell Investments) a woman I had just met called me fearless. When the word touched my ears, I turned around and looked behind me certain that it...