by lori | Feb 22, 2011 | Recognizing, Sustaining
I was sitting on a ferry last week with my friend D—coming back from our self-organizing group’s meeting—and we got to talking about what makes groups like ours last. She’s part of another group that she really wants to make work. So am I. She’s worried that her other... by lori | Feb 9, 2011 | Sustaining
Well, my Steelers lost. Sigh. Continuing from Sustaining a self-organizing group for 20+years (1 of 3) From my perspective, this 20-year long, 100+ member group appears to sustain itself because the group is contagious (in a good way). Group members themselves are... by lori | Sep 30, 2010 | FAQ, Leadership, Learning, Letting Go, Letting Go, Recognizing, Recognizing
An interviewer asked me this question last year—you can still find my response on the Web if you look for it. I’m still fairly satisfied with what I said to him, with one glaring exception. In my three-paragraph answer (good Lord, will I ever be able to say anything... by lori | Aug 27, 2010 | FAQ, Fostering
This week I noticed myself attempting to more rapidly foster a self-organizing work group, so thought I’d share what I did. This post is for people who believe in the power of these groups but who, like me, aren’t particularly good at sitting patiently, emptying... by lori | Jul 28, 2010 | FAQ, Fostering, Learning
Last week, a group I created in February—one that I’d hoped would last for years—ended. Six months of life, and now the Seattle-Area Self-Organizing Systems discussion group is no more. I’m surprised to find that I’m not even a little bit sad about the...