by lori | Jan 26, 2011 | Benefits
I’ve witnessed the following organizational benefits studying self-organizing groups. To individuals (including me), these benefits sound too good to be true—especially all stacked together like this in a list. To self-organizing groups, though, they will feel... by lori | Jan 19, 2011 | Benefits
From 2004 to 2006, I was part of two life-changing, self-organizing groups at the same time: one group of employees actively experimenting in a global for-profit organization and one group of learners actively reflecting on our own experiences in an educational... by lori | Sep 14, 2010 | FAQ, Leadership
What does a nerdy researcher who studies self-organizing work groups do in her spare time? Why participate in and observe other types of self-organizing groups, of course! This week it was a flash mob here in Seattle. Seven 2-hour dance rehearsals, one 7-minute... by lori | Sep 7, 2010 | FAQ, Letting Go, Recognizing, Recognizing
When your self-organizing work group succeeds in accomplishing the work-of-the-moment that it came into existence to do, it may be obvious that the group needs to end. This has been the case for some of the groups I’ve studied and been part of. But it may also...