by lori | Jan 10, 2016 | Dragons, Here and now, Nature, Neighbors, Poetry, Women
I am tired of this world I’m tired of violence rabid intolerance greed rewarded trodden humans hidden, outright thwarted young lives mangled, ended weapons preferred to soft human flesh I’m tired of being told what to think how to think why I’m wrong... by lori | Apr 27, 2015 | Aging Gratefully, Alzheimer's, Care Partnering, Here and now, Love, Poetry, Women
I love Alzheimer’s when mom looks into my eyes says “My baby girl. I love you.” twinkles hugs me close she lifts the world to my lips pours gratitude through me inconsequential then that names are dead past is gone old us drowned we float happy here no longer up... by lori | Nov 26, 2013 | Play and Magic, Story
Hi Bayo, you asked: “Do you have encounters that could be considered ‘extraordinary’? – ones which do not fit into any logical framework, and which you often feel embarrassed to share with others for fear of being labeled ‘crazy’? Perhaps... by lori | Oct 12, 2012 | FAQ, Story
One of my favorite books as a kid was Bridge to Terabithia, a story of two young friends who overcome their troubled lives to create their own magical kingdom—called Terabithia—in the woods behind their homes. As I recall, the story is 80% friendship, magic, and...