10 Habits for Falling More Deeply in Love with Your Humans using Zoom

So many articles are circulating right now about how exhausted and drained people feel after Zoom meetings. I get that. Back in my corporate and academic days, that used to happen to me during Skype meetings and conference calls all the time. I’d often sign off...

What the Soil Said

If I was a person this world would destroy me. Good thing then that I am at peace under your fingernails. A robin on her nest. Shining feather grass waving in the ditch. Moving clouds at rest in the sky. And the wind rolling foam into waves for the fun of it. You may...

In Saying Goodbye

I found a perfect dead bird on the deck, outside the window victim of violence a deceptive white light through too-big windows his perfectly groomed feathers grew darker as they moved from his pale yellow-gray head to his almost black tail I spent yesterday willing...


Happy final day of national poetry month! A flash poem a day, every day, in April! Looking forward to next year. Here’s today’s silly poem… Arlo Waggingly he came from the streets of LA Bundled up, shipped off to Seattle where average time to...

Right Here

blades of green bend low and breathe in damp, the misted seaside glows, fog yellow gray among planked houses, sunlight slants across the field, racing tree shadows tumbling down and softly yield those dry spots are deer footprints strong and hesitant tenderly picking...