Here at 48

It’s been a more-difficult-than-normal few weeks in the US for many women. Brutal for some. Just about every woman I know has been re-living their sexual assault, remembering their close calls, and/or listening to and comforting friends again who’ve been raped or...

The Invitation

I love it when the wind strolls in and my meadow friends dance and bow. Love it when waves rush to crash across my ocean where the wide beach smiles up where the eagles rest silent on the wind above etch greetings sky to horizon down to me all the way home: carried...

Letting It Be

a flash poem inspired by my new We Shall Dance with Mountains friends…   Letting It Be soft paused cat nose to velvet bumblebee nose children down on the beach yelling to one another in self-created language: “Unda buda!” shout lungs...