by lori | Jun 10, 2015 | Acceptance, Essays, Story, Wayfinding
I turn 45 Sunday. Last month my body began celebrating by throwing me hot flashes in lieu of a party. They’re like a personal, internal fireworks show. So I’ll be ringing in this birthday standing hot, alone, and naked outside on the deck, staring up at the stars at 3... by lori | Apr 27, 2015 | Aging Gratefully, Alzheimer's, Care Partnering, Here and now, Love, Poetry, Women
I love Alzheimer’s when mom looks into my eyes says “My baby girl. I love you.” twinkles hugs me close she lifts the world to my lips pours gratitude through me inconsequential then that names are dead past is gone old us drowned we float happy here no longer up... by lori | Apr 17, 2014 | Wayfinding, Writing
Here’s the thing about shedding your old self. The act itself isn’t hard. It’s the thinking and worrying about it that’s hard. Seven years ago I thought that leaving the corporate world, the reliable paycheck, the medical benefits, and complete...