by lori | Nov 11, 2011 | Community, Recognizing, Recognizing, Self-organizing groups
This large-ish question appeared on my radar this week. Thank you, Lori Schilling, for meeting with me Wednesday and your willingness to tell your story and have a delightful conversation with someone new. It was from our conversation that this question emerged for... by lori | Aug 12, 2011 | Definitions
For the past months, the universe has been whispering to me. Saying that out loud makes my researcher self cringe, but hey, the universe whispered to Einstein too, and he did ok. Anyway, after multiple hints, this month my... by lori | Sep 22, 2010 | FAQ, Letting Go
Across the differences in the self-organizing work groups I’ve studied and been part of, there are also commonalities. One apparent commonality is the internal experiences that people have (and how people feel) as they let go of these groups. Here are eight internal...