by lori | Aug 17, 2016 | Aging Gratefully, Artists, Beauty, Content, Gratitude, Grief, Love, Poetry
Warm sun pools and shines more brightly in your home Why is that? worn beckoning rugs and life-soft chairs a sentinel portrait rich green and red dirt-colored artifacts nestled within white walls of recent pain. Witness dancing dust across sunbeams upstairs, the bird... by lori | Feb 9, 2016 | Here and now, Love, Poetry
blades of green bend low and breathe in damp, the misted seaside glows, fog yellow gray among planked houses, sunlight slants across the field, racing tree shadows tumbling down and softly yield those dry spots are deer footprints strong and hesitant tenderly picking... by lori | Feb 1, 2016 | Artists, Artists, Love, Poetry
First draft of a poem I’m working on. I noticed that I was deeply in love with the words “epoxy resin” and also my husband’s decision to become a full-time artist now too, and this poem showed up as a result… Artist Homes she kneels at... by lori | Apr 1, 2014 | Nature, Poetry
gray whales at the beach and we forget where we are who we are where we were going people dogs even eagles instantly transformed into giddy paparazzi in their presence pier becomes backscratcher good riddance barnacles routine becomes holy as you are looked into eye... by lori | Sep 18, 2012 | Culture, Individual
The word “quirky” has risen to the surface of my conscious world so often lately that clearly the universe wants me to talk about it. According to the Google gods, it means: Characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits: “quirky charm”. For...