by lori | Aug 2, 2011 | Benefits, FAQ, Impacts, Recognizing, Successful Groups
I’ve noticed that my own self-organizing group members always ask the best, and most difficult, questions—questions that I am afraid to fully look at on my own, let alone answer. Here’s a great one. Thank you Neil!!... by lori | May 27, 2011 | Leadership, Learning, Successful Groups
Hey Doug, thanks for asking me to get more clear on this subject! I’ve only recently started thinking about this idea, which is why I am fuzzy speaking about it. What I believe I see so far has to do with perceived location of the self. That is, in the moments in... by lori | Feb 6, 2011 | Sustaining
This week I interviewed 6 members of a remarkable 100+-member self-organizing group that has sustained itself for 20 years and counting. I also interviewed one person who has witnessed, from nearby, this group in action. I still have lots more learning to do, so part...