by lori | Aug 12, 2011 | Definitions
For the past months, the universe has been whispering to me. Saying that out loud makes my researcher self cringe, but hey, the universe whispered to Einstein too, and he did ok. Anyway, after multiple hints, this month my... by lori | Aug 2, 2011 | Benefits, FAQ, Impacts, Recognizing, Successful Groups
I’ve noticed that my own self-organizing group members always ask the best, and most difficult, questions—questions that I am afraid to fully look at on my own, let alone answer. Here’s a great one. Thank you Neil!!... by lori | May 3, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning
Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays are the three days each week that I consciously prioritize my family, my close friends, and my individual well-being over my work as a self-organizing groups researcher. I minimize my connection with the broader world on these three... by lori | Apr 22, 2011 | Fostering, Fostering
Last week I spoke to three groups at the International Society for Performance Improvement annual conference about how to rapidly foster self-organizing work groups. First attendees identified their own self-organizing groups by writing down the names of people and... by lori | Feb 1, 2011 | Fostering, Recognizing
Self-organizing work groups value collective spontaneity over individual ideas and planning (or at least both to a similar extent). For me, there’s just no other way of working that’s as interesting, rewarding, fun, and impactful. The tradeoff, though, is that I can’t...