by lori | Oct 18, 2011 | Leadership, Learning, Learning as, Recognizing, Successful Groups
Here are a few self-organizing groups I’m learning with/from this week… 1. A touching and cute self-organizing group (love the response of all the different adults in the video): 2. A brave self-organizing group within my neighborhood: The Mitchells trying to save... by lori | Sep 29, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Learning as, Letting Go, Recognizing, Sustaining
So my dear friend Diane just got the job of her dreams. Literally. She’s been having vivid dreams about it since the day she realized she might actually have a shot at getting it. I’m thrilled for her. It fills me with joy that she’s moving in the direction of her... by lori | Apr 25, 2011 | Leadership, Recognizing
Self-organizing groups are—themselves—leaders. They are different—new to many of us—and the people within them, and close to them, notice. One difference is that everybody within the group is a leader and a follower. Also, many nearby others and observers of the group... by lori | Mar 3, 2011 | FAQ, Successful Groups
Continuing from How do self-organizing groups make decisions? (1 of 2) … Short answer: These groups don’t make decisions. They find decisions, together, the instant that group members recognize and embrace their collective self. Long answer: Self-aware self-organizing... by lori | Mar 1, 2011 | FAQ, Successful Groups
This week, as I rattled excitedly on about the groups I’m studying right now (as I always do—I recently decided that this flaw is part of my charm), my friend Annie said “But I need to make a decision! How do self-organizing groups make decisions?!” Damn girl, good...