by lori | Apr 25, 2011 | Leadership, Recognizing
Self-organizing groups are—themselves—leaders. They are different—new to many of us—and the people within them, and close to them, notice. One difference is that everybody within the group is a leader and a follower. Also, many nearby others and observers of the group... by lori | Jan 7, 2011 | Definition, Leadership, Recognizing
If you’re familiar with this subject, let me know what it means for you. Today, for me, a self-organizing group is a collective whose members are surprised and delighted by what they become and do together. These collectives create themselves and contain members who... by lori | Nov 9, 2010 | FAQ, Sustaining
Continuing from previous blog on the subject of sustaining self-organizing work groups. 6. As a group, they become better able to embrace and appreciate: A. Being learners B. Their own and others’ differences C. Their own and others’ limitations And they make the time... by lori | Sep 14, 2010 | FAQ, Leadership
What does a nerdy researcher who studies self-organizing work groups do in her spare time? Why participate in and observe other types of self-organizing groups, of course! This week it was a flash mob here in Seattle. Seven 2-hour dance rehearsals, one 7-minute... by lori | Jul 28, 2009 | Definition, Recognizing
If you’re familiar with this subject, let me know what it means to you. Here are my current thoughts. Self-organizing work groups are spontaneous groups, created from within, to accomplish work of the moment. Regardless of how the group may appear to have started,...