by lori | Sep 7, 2010 | FAQ, Letting Go, Recognizing, Recognizing
When your self-organizing work group succeeds in accomplishing the work-of-the-moment that it came into existence to do, it may be obvious that the group needs to end. This has been the case for some of the groups I’ve studied and been part of. But it may also... by lori | Jun 29, 2010 | FAQ, Letting Go, Recognizing
I’ve studied and been part of at least 14 self-organizing work groups in the past 7 years. You don’t have to encourage active participation in self-organizing work groups. They form in response to personally felt needs of the moment, people stay with them until... by lori | May 20, 2010 | Definition, FAQ
I was asked this last week, and I bungled the answer in person. I think the answer depends on your perspective. Here’s mine. In 2005, when I recognized that the group I was part of was giving us far more than the results we’d imagined for ourselves, in addition to...