by lori | Jan 3, 2012 | Impacts, Letting Go, Self-organizing groups
Today Daniel and I cancelled our satellite TV package. We noticed this fall that: When we’re tired after work, we often plop down onto the couch and mindlessly watch TV for no other reason than that it’s the easiest thing to do. Sometimes for hours. We don’t even like... by lori | Sep 20, 2011 | Benefits, Benefits, Impacts, Learning as
At a Seattle women-in-business networking event last Thursday (thanks Su-Zette Sparks and all the other amazing women at Russell Investments) a woman I had just met called me fearless. When the word touched my ears, I turned around and looked behind me certain that it... by lori | Aug 29, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Letting Go, Recognizing, Recognizing
Thanks to Doug Nathan for pulling these experiences out before my eyes where I could see them, and thanks to my community for teaching me that no matter what I say as an individual, that I’ll be supported and loved. Consciously studying my own and close others’... by lori | May 27, 2011 | Leadership, Learning, Successful Groups
Hey Doug, thanks for asking me to get more clear on this subject! I’ve only recently started thinking about this idea, which is why I am fuzzy speaking about it. What I believe I see so far has to do with perceived location of the self. That is, in the moments in... by lori | Mar 15, 2011 | Benefits
This week I had lunch with a friend who I worked with at Microsoft almost a decade ago. She’s an amazing person—a dedicated employee, wife, mother, and daughter. And, like many people I know, she’s also frustrated, extraordinarily busy, and tired just trying to keep...