by lori | Aug 19, 2011 | Recognizing
In no particular order: Being part of the community feels even better than being part of your smaller self-organizing groups You notice that there is no end to the community Community purpose has become your individual and group purpose You experience remarkable... by lori | Aug 12, 2011 | Definitions
For the past months, the universe has been whispering to me. Saying that out loud makes my researcher self cringe, but hey, the universe whispered to Einstein too, and he did ok. Anyway, after multiple hints, this month my... by lori | Aug 2, 2011 | Benefits, FAQ, Impacts, Recognizing, Successful Groups
I’ve noticed that my own self-organizing group members always ask the best, and most difficult, questions—questions that I am afraid to fully look at on my own, let alone answer. Here’s a great one. Thank you Neil!!... by lori | Jul 7, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Sustaining
How many days each year are you angry? I’m not talking about clearly warranted in-the-moment anger—the kind that causes you to shriek out loudly to stop a young child from running out into busy traffic (followed by a mini lecture about the dangers of running into... by lori | Jun 22, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Successful Groups
Some of the things I learned this week thanks to my self-organizing groups: Chaos and order are both within us, and both ok. It’s in our nature to be chaotic, silly, ridiculous, and huge risk-takers. Within these groups, I can accept chaos as rewarding and even fun....