by lori | Apr 27, 2015 | Aging Gratefully, Alzheimer's, Care Partnering, Here and now, Love, Poetry, Women
I love Alzheimer’s when mom looks into my eyes says “My baby girl. I love you.” twinkles hugs me close she lifts the world to my lips pours gratitude through me inconsequential then that names are dead past is gone old us drowned we float happy here no longer up... by lori | Dec 6, 2011 | Benefits, FAQ, Impacts, Self-organizing groups
This post is for my friend Ali who asks questions that keep me young at heart. Today Ali asked “Does familiarity decrease the generated happiness?” [within a group] I’d like to start by saying that I have zero interest in putting up barriers to human happiness. So if... by lori | Sep 29, 2011 | Benefits, Impacts, Learning, Learning as, Letting Go, Recognizing, Sustaining
So my dear friend Diane just got the job of her dreams. Literally. She’s been having vivid dreams about it since the day she realized she might actually have a shot at getting it. I’m thrilled for her. It fills me with joy that she’s moving in the direction of her... by lori | Mar 3, 2011 | FAQ, Successful Groups
Continuing from How do self-organizing groups make decisions? (1 of 2) … Short answer: These groups don’t make decisions. They find decisions, together, the instant that group members recognize and embrace their collective self. Long answer: Self-aware self-organizing...