How the Land of Don’t Belong Changed Its Name

There once was a land called Don’t Belong in which the people panicked and began believing that it was important to create a list of all those who didn’t belong. At first The List seemed small and harmless enough, so people didn’t think too much of it: foreigners...

How to Make Magic Stay

Like friendship, magic shows up when you invite her in. She sits to stay a spell when you take a deep breath and say “This is who I really am.” After that, to stay with magic becomes easier and harder. Easier, because now she’s an old friend. Harder, because old...

This is my work

Something snapped inside of me. I can only do soul-satisfying work now alone and with people I love    I’ve been apprentice to the phenomenon for ten years. And find it has more to do with community support expanding love ceding control appreciating freedom...