by lori | Sep 7, 2020 | Alzheimer's, Beauty, Content, Culture Shift, Feelings, Gratitude, Grief, Grief and Loss, Here and now, Love, Magic, Nature, Neighbors, Pain, Pandemic, Poetry, Respite, Wonder
This is for Bayo, who prompts me to be more honest and open, more me, and to let go into becoming more us… Some friends are saddened right now by humanity’s apparent reactionary rush to re-occupy familiar ways during this Covid-19 global pandemic (known as... by lori | Jun 13, 2020 | Essays, Getting Lost, Grace, Grief and Loss, Imagination, Inimitable Joy, Love, Play and Magic, Story, Strength in Real Life, Unapologetically Odd, Wayfinding
Chaos, love, death, peace, rage, wonder, protest, gratitude, and humility. Throw in “so hot that I could pass out” and this could be a description of what going through menopause feels like. 😉 Here though, these words are what the world herself feels like to me right...