Low Tide

Salt thick drips beneath the pier dark wet hangs in air humid with seaweed exhausted and driftwood damp parts, body, of crabs eaten recently left by birds pirate who gorge themselves crabbing out of season without license barnacles shake themselves from nose to tail...

13 steps to creating a writing-centered life

Whenever possible… 1. Write. 2. Count everything you write as writing. 3. Write everything that you write as well as you can. 4. Carry writing tools with you. 5. Journal your way through difficult times. 6. Keep your favorite bits of writing in a findable,...

Langley Love Song

  Ferns line the path between as tall as me old buildings seem to swoon in the heat a northern seaside town turned tropical in uncharacteristically warm May. Running late to the movies where women friends wait pop into The Star Store grab sour cherry licorice and...

These Words Me

I look forward to being dead. The magic moment that poets— life’s awkwardly literate jesters— become instantly cool and wise: labels we just couldn’t live our way into. I look forward to seeing my life bookended, parentheses completed: Lori...