by lori | Apr 30, 2014 | Care Partnering, Caregiving, Creating, Writing
The point. For me, sustained creation appears to be the result of having self-chosen routine. I allow my life to revolve around two routines: an individual, somewhat orderly routine and a collective, chaotic routine, both of which I myself choose each day: An... by lori | Apr 24, 2014 | Nature, Poetry, Silly
bees up to their knees in swollen pollen tulips rise kiss the day apples blossom giggle, blush and run away frogs harmonize in undirected choir damp soil winks to beckon seed earth preens her baby greens nudges buds from ground’s nest puddles twirl feet to lure... by lori | Apr 21, 2014 | Pirates, Poetry, Silly, Writing
I accept responsibility for floating adrift at sea everything else I ascribe to luck Life’s not controlled by me. I fell in love with Mystery first who often visits here to experience her argument for wonder over fear. I fell in love with Magic next brought... by lori | Apr 17, 2014 | Wayfinding, Writing
Here’s the thing about shedding your old self. The act itself isn’t hard. It’s the thinking and worrying about it that’s hard. Seven years ago I thought that leaving the corporate world, the reliable paycheck, the medical benefits, and complete... by lori | Apr 1, 2014 | Nature, Poetry
gray whales at the beach and we forget where we are who we are where we were going people dogs even eagles instantly transformed into giddy paparazzi in their presence pier becomes backscratcher good riddance barnacles routine becomes holy as you are looked into eye...